Monday, 27 October 2014

Wonderful moments!!!

The day came as usual
Your dad was with me for previous whole week
I was telling you always from the month you were inside me...
'Please come without giving any pain to your mom dear'
Hope you heard my words..
I did not get any single pain to release you to this world
It was 8.37 PM and I heard your crying sound...
People around me told that its a girl
I insisted them to show you...
They showed this 3 kg bundle of joy..
I can't forget that moment in my life!!!
Oh! How wonderful it was!!!
Those tiny legs and hands gave me great excitement...
After some time, we both were with your dad..
Your dad couldn't believe that he became father of this lovely angel..
He was so crazy with baby girl... And he wanted girl....
The time you born, it was dark.... Your face was so bright like a moon...
We named you as 'Nila' ( means moon in Tamil )
This Nila gives brightness in our life...
I understood 'Baby can give great joy than money and other things'
I was really ready to leave my well paid corporate job for you..
You are always my love...
I love you Nila..


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