Thursday, 2 June 2016

Woman and Financial Independence

I hate the middle class scenario in India, wherein a husband insists or restricts the willingness of a woman to work or not to work.
Also I wonder if a woman tells that I do not want to work and to stay at home.
I agree that Home-making is very very difficult task and home-makers should be given respect more than a working person.
But somewhere in a corner of my mind, I still feel that there should be financial independence for every woman.
Especially if we are a nuclear family in Indian scenario, and don't have any assets ,we definitely need some financial independence.
In my case, I had planned to resign my job after giving birth to my daughter ( after maternity leave )
I was taking care of my daughter for 3 months doing so.
I really enjoyed with the time that I spent with kid.
But at one saturated point ( I did not expect that it will happen in 3 months ), I wanted to get back to work as it started boring.
One main thing is that I wanted a refreshment for my mind.
Apart from family I wanted my set of people to discuss things with.
I can't sit and watch TV for more than 15 minutes ( Really! )
I love reading books, but my daughter loves all my books  (I really wonder what that 'Going-to-be-2-year old' understands from my books), hence she won't allow me to read.
Of course, my husband is a big supporter to me, but his work timing is very difficult to cope up with us.
It started boring for me; Then I joined back.
So here are the reasons that I found out why a middle class mother (!) should work:
1. We will get our set of people to communicate with,apart from discussing about serials, dresses,husband's office and child's school with other apartment ladies.
2. We can support our husband financially, there could be really difficult situations for him to handle alone.
3. We will become much more active; All working women will know about this.
4. Our knowledge gets improved a lot.
5. We don't need to be blank-minded when some unexpected things happen. We can make our own decisions. We will gain self-esteem.

We may take break for children, but once they grow up, we should get back for our own space.

Not a high-paid job, at least we can work in our free time ( say 10 to 3 )

These are all my observations. But each one will have different situations and opinions.

Some days , whenever I had a hard time at work, even I have felt why not should I stay at home and enjoy with family.. But I don't dare to take that decision, because I have experienced how it would be.

Anyhow, Happy Working :-)
