Monday, 8 June 2015

My Soul

She passed away
Yes, that is how everyone say
She left in me, deep pain
Something more too, like stain
I was with her for 25 years
She lived for good 100 years

There was always generation gap in our talk

She knew only to love

She didn't know to hate anyone

She lost her son at 97 years

She cried a lot; but still she lived.

She never thought about self killing.

She struggled a lot in her life.

She is God for me.

I can't pass single day without thinking of her.

She saw 5 generations.

She knew everything from organic agriculture to Computer and iPhone

She did not know to read; but whatever we learnt from her can make a book.

She was afraid of wind

She liked sweets.

She loved my dad like anything.

Even in midnight, she used to get up and ask about my dad.

She longed to see my brother;

The people who she loved the most, could not make for her funeral.

I was with her in her last days.

I thank God for the opportunity to serve her in her last days.

She is my 'Aaya'; we have age gap of four generations.

When it rains, I remember her;

When there is wind, I remember her;

When I eat sweets, I remember her;

I miss her a lot. I love her a lot. She is there with me always.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Before Motherhood and After Motherhood

Any woman's life can be divided into two parts: Before Motherhood and After Motherhood.
For some ladies, it is Before Marriage and After Marriage ( In my case this is not applicable; Me and My activities were same before and after marriage)
Before Motherhood, if anyone told me that there is no time to do exercise, no time to go out with friends, no time to read books etc, I used to wonder.
But now things are different.
The above things are happening in my life too.
My kid is 8 months old.
My life became a race.
My schedule is this:
Each morning cook, clean the house, Feed the baby and run for work.
If it is 12.30, rush to home, take care of baby and again by 2.30 rush for work.
By 5.30, reach home, take my daughter out for a walk, return by 6.30.
Again cooking, doing laundry, making baby to sleep. Some times my office work extends till 11.30 PM

In this routine, so many times I longed to read a book, to do yoga, to talk with my close ones; but the problem is "No Time".
Even for my husband, the same routine.
I have worked on my time management so many days, but still there is no solution that I found.
Still I am working to find out some "MeMe" time to enjoy my personal life.
This morning gave me great feeling
I talked with one of my closest, after long time.
While walking from parking slot to work-tower, I called her.

Sharing is very important. Do find time for that.

Have Happy Day!!!
