Thursday, 12 November 2015

From my garden

Today is one good day for me.
I couldn't stop saying wow when I saw these things in my tiny terrace garden which contains 20 pots.


Red Tomato


Water melon


Guess this one?


Chilly plant

Yellow Tomato
And here is today's yield from my garden..
A plate of Amaranthus
A plate of Palak
and radish 

This small gardening gives me relaxation
I started this without any prior experience in gardening.
I did not spend much time or money for this.

I did not add any chemicals to plants.

Its pure organic vegetables and leaves.

Got inspired? Go start your own..

Start with 2 pots .. Grow anything...

You will be surprised to see the result... I am surprised...


Friday, 11 September 2015

After Long Time

I come to this place really after long time.
I became a full time mother for these many days and had no single minute to think of anything else.
Now I got little break as I enrolled my daughter into day care for some hours.
There are so many changes happened in life;
I hope everything goes well.
I had some time to grow plants. Wanted to share some pics of my Tiny terrace Garden.


I couldn't add all the images as my network has some issues. Will post other photos soon.
Have a Happy weekend ahead.

With Love,

Monday, 8 June 2015

My Soul

She passed away
Yes, that is how everyone say
She left in me, deep pain
Something more too, like stain
I was with her for 25 years
She lived for good 100 years

There was always generation gap in our talk

She knew only to love

She didn't know to hate anyone

She lost her son at 97 years

She cried a lot; but still she lived.

She never thought about self killing.

She struggled a lot in her life.

She is God for me.

I can't pass single day without thinking of her.

She saw 5 generations.

She knew everything from organic agriculture to Computer and iPhone

She did not know to read; but whatever we learnt from her can make a book.

She was afraid of wind

She liked sweets.

She loved my dad like anything.

Even in midnight, she used to get up and ask about my dad.

She longed to see my brother;

The people who she loved the most, could not make for her funeral.

I was with her in her last days.

I thank God for the opportunity to serve her in her last days.

She is my 'Aaya'; we have age gap of four generations.

When it rains, I remember her;

When there is wind, I remember her;

When I eat sweets, I remember her;

I miss her a lot. I love her a lot. She is there with me always.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Before Motherhood and After Motherhood

Any woman's life can be divided into two parts: Before Motherhood and After Motherhood.
For some ladies, it is Before Marriage and After Marriage ( In my case this is not applicable; Me and My activities were same before and after marriage)
Before Motherhood, if anyone told me that there is no time to do exercise, no time to go out with friends, no time to read books etc, I used to wonder.
But now things are different.
The above things are happening in my life too.
My kid is 8 months old.
My life became a race.
My schedule is this:
Each morning cook, clean the house, Feed the baby and run for work.
If it is 12.30, rush to home, take care of baby and again by 2.30 rush for work.
By 5.30, reach home, take my daughter out for a walk, return by 6.30.
Again cooking, doing laundry, making baby to sleep. Some times my office work extends till 11.30 PM

In this routine, so many times I longed to read a book, to do yoga, to talk with my close ones; but the problem is "No Time".
Even for my husband, the same routine.
I have worked on my time management so many days, but still there is no solution that I found.
Still I am working to find out some "MeMe" time to enjoy my personal life.
This morning gave me great feeling
I talked with one of my closest, after long time.
While walking from parking slot to work-tower, I called her.

Sharing is very important. Do find time for that.

Have Happy Day!!!


Friday, 24 April 2015

A book that left me painful feelings

I completed the first novella of  'the mother i never knew' by Sudha Murthy.
I closed the book with deep pain in my heart.
And also it created strange feelings in my mind.

I felt very sad for Bhagavva and Shankar
I became a part of that story itself.
I could run with Venkatesh along all the way to Hubli and Mysore.
The characters of Shantha and Ravi left a deep pain in me.
I have met many such kind of characters in my life.

I felt that I read a nice story after long time.
Thanks to Sudha Murthy.

I have planned to start the other novella in the same book soon.
Will share my view on that too.

Till then, bye bye.

Happy weekend.

With Love,

Thursday, 9 April 2015

The I MeMe

I always wonder about MeMe questions; It helps to refresh the mind instantly.
I came across this one in SundayStealing.
Thought I would do it..

This is the I MeMe

I am an enthusiast who does N things and wants to do that N+1 thing.

I want to be active in each moment.

I have so much hope and interest in life.

I wish to go and live in the Chola Era for 2 days and come back.

I hate possessivenes and rumours.

I fear of losing my loved ones.

I hear the words of my loved ones.

I search happiness and satisfaction in life everyday.

I wonder about the lessons that every experience gives us.

I regret for the things that I missed when young.

I love to be fit and energetic.

I never tried to smoke.

I ache when I couldn't do anything for some people's suffering.

I always enjoy to read new things and to visit new places.

I usually eat home made food.

I am not interested in statistics.

I dance when I am alone and whenever I feel so down.

I sing to make my baby to sleep.

I sometimes like to eat outside food.

I cry if depressed.

I am not always interested in others' talk.

I lose my mind when playing with kids.

I am confused about God and Religion.

I need a two wheeler at this point of time to drive to an unplanned destination.

I should concentrate on work, as my manager is going to ask me update in 30 minutes.


It was nice experience...
Feeling active now...



Saturday, 21 February 2015

Have you felt these with a sibling? ( post 7 : 7 days challenge )

Below age 10:

Why I had this brother? He is sharing everything what I eat.
He is my mother's son and I am my father's daughter.
Because of this guy, my parents do not give importance to my thoughts.
Why he born before me? Because of this guy I get all old books and toys which he used.

Age 10- 15:

I have an elder brother and he is part of my family.
It feels good to share things with him.
I want to be friends with him but he doesn't understand that.
Why the hell he interfere in my activities?

Age 15-20:

I miss my brother ( I was in hostel )
I like my brother's character so much
He might have girl friends?
Is he a body guard to me?

Age 20-25:

I want to be with my brother in all the festivals. It should be like our childhood.
I want to share things with him.
My brother is my first best friend.
I love him so much and miss him a lot.
He is there for me always in my life.

I am from a remote village in India, and I did feel these with my sibling at different stages.
What did you feel with yours?

I have achieved my challenge. And I did yoga too for these seven days. Feeling so happy.

Have happy weekend.


Friday, 20 February 2015

A Child's Interest ( Post 6: 7 Days Challenge )

Yesterday I was teaching Social Science to my cousin.
The topic was, Tamil classification of Landscapes.
I explained him Tamil literature has classified the landscapes into five categories.
(Click here if you are interested to know about that)
And I did explain about each one of them.
I told him if other landscapes have gone dry, then it is transformed into "Palai"
"There will be vultures in Palai", I told.
"Why do vultures exist in dry land", He asked.
"Because there  will be so many dead animals and birds, Vulture can eat them" - My unsure answer.
"If all the animals and birds die due to dryness, how do vultures exist?" - He
"They might have traveled from some other landscape"- Me
"Why can't some other animals travel to palai landscape other than vultures"- He
" They can't live as there will not be any water and food " - Me
" How long a vulture can survive without water? " - I was checking in web for this.
Then he lost interest, and he started asking about some other topic.
I wondered about the child's ability of thinking.
Actually, I wanted him to memorize the fact that vultures exist in palai, as it will appear for his test.
But he had lots of things in mind about palai and vulture.
A child's mind is always open for thinking and observing. Their interests will differ from elders.
Want to be a child once again, to exclaim with even smallest thing in the world.


Thursday, 19 February 2015

Unshared Love ( Post 5: 7 Days Challenge )

The most worst regret in anyone's life will be the one, which we feel after a person's death.
Because we cannot go back and solve it at any cost ( may be if we die too ).
I have felt so many times that, I should have been more close to this person, I should have done this thing to her, I could have taken him to this place, like this.
There are so many "Never-done-but-wanted-to-do" things in my life.
One day I thought about this.
What is the point of regretting after a person's death.
I stopped regretting ( Sometimes I used to share with Dinesh if I feel too down )
But what can be done after stopping?
Only one thing came to my mind.
"At least from now, I should not miss anything which may give chance for future contrite"
I started doing that. I started sharing my love.

Better to express your feelings,at least good feelings, then and there.

Plan an unexpected trip.
Surprise your loved ones with which they might not expect, and will make them happy.
Always share your love.
Help your partner.
Listen to your kids.
Watch that good movie which you are longing.
Join a hobby class which you would enjoy the most.
Take your parents to some small trip where they will enjoy.
Call your busy friend to ask his\her whereabouts.

There are nothing static in this world.
Envy, Angry and things like these will not take us anywhere but leaving the feeling of regret.
We do not know what will happen tomorrow.
Enjoy today!!!

Have a Happy Life...


Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Meaning of Examination ( Post 4: 7 Days Challenge )

Yesterday I read the below description of Winston Churchill about his experience with examinations.
" These examinations were a great trial to me.The subject which were dearest to the examiners were almost invariably those I fancied least... I should have liked to be asked to say what I knew. They always try to ask what I did not know. When I would have willingly displayed my knowledge, they sought to expose my ignorance. This sort of treatment had only one result: I did not do well in examinatons..."

I agree with this, at least for childhood.
There should not be any testing done for the children to know what they do not know.

What do you think about it?


Tuesday, 17 February 2015

The importance of mother tongue in education ( Post 3: 7 Days Challenge )

Recently, I happened to meet a young boy who is in his third grade.
His parents complained that he is not at all studying and getting very less marks, some times no marks.
I asked him what difficulty he faces in studying.
And what he told, made me to think on this subject and to write this post.
He told " My teacher will say the question, I will try to translate the question in Tamil and understand, before I write the answer everyone will write, then teacher moves on to next question. And they will always say I have not studied, Hence I couldn't write the answer"
( P.S: His parents don't know English, He doesn't talk English anywhere apart from study )
And then I understood his problem.
His marks in Tamil were really good.
I translated all the science questions to him in Tamil, and asked him to answer.
He almost answered immediately for 90% of questions.
I asked the same thing in English, He couldn't do immediately.
Then I told his parents that studying is not his problem, language is the problem.
If they could not able to make him understand the English language, I asked them to put him in Tamil medium schools.
They said, we have not studied, at least we want to make him study in English.
I got shocked. What is the purpose of education?
Children have to learn something and to use in their life.
It is good to learn English language, but not to waste his learning interest of other subjects in the name of English.
Even the famous educator Dr. Maria Montessori suggested that education should be in the language which the child understands completely.
I do agree with that.
English can be learnt, if they study it as one language.
But subjects should be understood and learnt at young age, so that it will develop the thinking capacity of children.
Parents should try to understand the real problem of their kids in studying, rather than scolding them for less marks.
Please do think on this.


Monday, 16 February 2015

Why do I love early morning so much? ( Post 2: 7 Days Challenge )

I like to get up early in the morning so much in every possible day.

You know why?

  I love to go out to see the street empty.

  I love to breathe in the fresh air.

  I love to see new buds and flowers in the plants.

  I love to hear birds' chirping in the morning.

  I love to exercise in the morning which gives me energy for the whole day.

  I love to have my cup of coffee early in the morning.

  I can plan my day effectively.

Do you love early morning too?

Sunday, 15 February 2015

What is your take on creativity? ( Post 1: 7 Days Challenge )

There is a reason to start this post.
I became lazy now a days.
I love to exercise and love to write also.
I am trying to associate both of them and do a self challenge only for 7 days.
Here it goes.
From today, for upcoming 7 days, I need to do yoga daily and write a post on this blog.
Thats it. Here comes my first post on this challenge.

Two days back I watched one of my favorite Hindi movies 'Wake up Sid' ( I have watched it for more than 10 times )
In that Ayisha says " I like old Hindi movie songs. Because it is easy to understand and sing along"
Even my thing on music is the same.
I need to understand and sing along, then only I like the song.
Simply I can't listen to some music or pop songs without understanding. I can't act.
One of my friends says, you can't be a creative person if you don't like music by the rhythm. And music has no language.
I do agree with the fact that music has no language.
But creativity doesn't have any relationship with it.
It is not like you have to draw something, which no one should be able to understand, or you have to rock in dancing.
For me, creativity is, which I try something newly and which makes me happy and content.
It can be anything, it may be writing something, dancing, exercise or any other thing, but new to me.
So, What is your take on creativity? or on music?

Happy Sunday :-)

With Love,


Sunday, 11 January 2015

Cursive Writing Is Really Important?

The other day I saw my cousin when doing his home work.
He is in third standard and asked me to help for his project about water pollution.
We prepared chart and I told him to write the information, he wrote them in cursive hand writing.
I informed him not to use joint letters in charts, it can't be understood by everyone clearly.
Then he wrote in separate letters, but cursive letters.
I wondered. Then I asked him to write in ordinary letters.
He said that he doesn't know how to write in normal letters.
It was a real shock for me.
Then I started thinking on this subject.
I can't write in cursive letters and even joint. We did not learn that in school.
But I have never felt any difference in study or work.

I find really hard to read when someone writes in cursive writing, only that is the difference I felt in cursive writing.
This link debates for the importance of having cursive writing.
But what I feel is that those points, Except the one which says it is good for our mind,are not valid enough to support 'cursive writing is must'
And I strongly disagree to the decision of some schools to teach the children to write only in cursive writing.
This post explains cursive writing as an art and it satisfies my mind.
So what do you think about cursive writing?
I am interested to know.


Saturday, 3 January 2015

Book: It happens for a Reason

I completed my reading of the book "It happens for a reason" by Preeti Shenoy
The way of story telling is really good.
The story was not a complete new thing.
Story is about a girl Vipasha Mishra, Vee to friends, who gets pregnant at very young age and decides to keep the baby.
She puts so much efforts to make her son Aryan, and she is searching for her man in life too.
She runs a Paw-factor which is a day care center for dogs and she has a part time job as a fitness instructor.
She has a crush with Saurabh who is a veterinary doctor, meanwhile she meets Aryan's father.
What is she going to decide? that is the climax.


I liked the way of story telling.
I did not get bored to read the story.
But what I felt is, Saurabh's character should have been given more importance.
There was no need for that character in this story I felt.
I did not get any feeling when Vee decides to leave Saurabh.
It was a good read for me.


Thursday, 1 January 2015

Book: Tuesdays with Morrie

I completed my reading of the book "Tuesdays with Morrie".
After reading continuous love stories from Indian authors, this was a great change for me.
It took so much time for me to feel the changes.
This book is a memoir by Mitch Albom.

I read this book, when my close one was in death bed, So It was really good.
This book is discussing about life and its importance.
It is a discussion between Mitch Albom and his professor Morrie who was in his final days.
I loved to read it.
It teaches values of life.
Good read..


Happy New Year 2015

Oh... 2014 went so soon.
It created lot of changes in my life
I lost one of my closest friends this year, in an accident.
His death taught me to approach life in slightly different way.
I couldn't bare pain if I think of him. Let his soul rest in peace.
We should live everyday with peace and joy.

And this was the resolution I had for 2014
I achieved except point 3 which couldn't be done as I was pregnant..
2014 was one more wonderful year.
It gave a new life for which I am taking whole responsibility.
This year changed my way of approaching things.
Ya, now unknowingly, I am approaching everything as a mother.
I am very excited about this.

Now when I look back 2014 resolutions
   NTT course was the much interesting one.
   And it was very difficult for me to complete it.
   We had 7 exams and I had to travel back and forth with my daughter inside.
   And I had a full time job, also me and Dinesh managed house hold chores
   without anyone's help.
   Anyone who is\had been pregnant can understand how difficult it is.
   But now when I think of, it had increased my confidence level.
   I read so many books, but I couldn't manage with writing much due to time.
   I always respect people and cherish relationships. I do fight with my close
   ones and patch up as soon as possible. This had been wonderful year in
   maintaining relationships.
   I love to do physical work and did enough.

Oh great... I achieved most of the things in 2014 resolution list... Very happy about that...

My 2015 resolution goes here...

1. Respect people, maintain relationship
2. Follow healthy life style
3. Read and write more
4. Try for Gardening
5. Visit at least 2 new places
6. Do best in parenting

Happy New Year To Everyone!!!

Be Happy..

With Love,